How can I kitesurf safely?

Lesson 2.4 How can I kitesurf safely? Safety comes first. But how? In this article we delve into the safety measures regarding kitesurfing and answer the question of whether kitesurfing is safe. The short answer: Yes, kitesurfing is safe, as long as you handle your equipment and yourself responsibly! We will discuss the following topics […]
Spot check. What should I know about the kite spot?

Lesson 2.2 Spot check. What should I know about the kite spot? Introduction Before you launch your kite and go on the water, it is important to understand the kitesurfing spot well. In this article we share tips and resources. This will help you learn everything about your kitesurfing spot. This prevents unnecessary dangerous situations! What […]
How and where do I read wind forecasts?

Lesson 1.4 How and where do I read wind forecasts? Introduction Kitesurfing is an extreme water sport that depends on the wind conditions. Finding out the wind speed in advance is essential to determine whether it is safe and feasible to go kitesurfing. In this article we will discuss how to reduce the number of knots […]